Instruments that operate in controller shear rate (RPM) and controlled shear stress (torque) and model RSO also in oscillation mode.

Torque rheometers RSX
RSX-CPS with cone/plate and plate/plate systems for small samples and wide shear ranges. RSX-CC with coaxial cylinders geometries for single point QC or full rheological profiling. RSX-SST soft solid tester for pastes, slurries and materials with particles.
- Torque: 0.1-200 mN.m/0.01-1,000 RPM
0.1-100 mN/m/0.01-1,300 RPM, - Torque resolution: 1.2 µN.m,
- Temperature control: RSX-CPS-with Peltier air or bath 20-180 °C, RSX-CC and RSX-SST with bath -20-200 °C.

Oscillatory rheometer RSO
Torque-oscillatory rheometer with cone/plate & plate/plate and coaxial cylinder geometry options.
- Maximum torque: 100 mN.m,
- Torque resolution: 0,02 µN.m,
- Speed range: 0.001-1,500 RPM,
- Frequency range: 0.001-20 Hz; 0.006-126 rad/s,
- Temperature control: bath or Peltier plate 0-180 °C.

Rheometer DVNEXT
- "All-in-one“ rheometer for measuring viscosity and yield stress,
4 torque model ranges: LV, RV, HA, HB,
Measuring geometry: disc, cylindrical or special spindles, adapters with coaxial cylinders or cone/plate geometry,
Optional magnetic spindle coupling,
Optional 21CFR Part 11 compliant,
Real time graphing,
Build-in math models, e.g. Casson, Bingham, Power law, Thix index,
Optional RheocalcT control software,
Compatible with all Brookfield accessories.
Are you interested in the device, or do you want advice on selection?
Ing. Jiří Vrána, CSc.
Telefon: +420 605 715 383